DB Systems products are designed and manufactured in the USA. 

The DB Systems DBP-10 phono cartridge alignment protractor – a legacy of accuracy and versatility spanning five decades.

DBP-10 Alignment Protractor

No one can dispute the importance of a properly aligned phono cartridge if the goal is the best possible playback fidelity.  But off all the things in hi-fi that have been subject to trends, perhaps nothing has been further down the road of compulsive excesses in recent years than phono cartridge alignment. We’ve seen nearly every type of contraption, and at nearly every price imaginable.

Sometimes a pause for a deep breath is in order.  With every “Next Best Thing” we seem to forget the things that have worked, and worked right, for a long, long time.  Since the 1970s, David Hadaway’s DB Systems DBP-10 protractor has been at the forefront of true accuracy and ease of use for a wide range of tonearms and turntable rigs. 

And it doesn’t cost hundreds of dollars.

The DBP-10 is provided with thorough instructions and is very easy to use.  It also comes with long history of satisfied users.  We like it so much that we include it free with every purchase of a Merrill-Williams R.E.A.L. turntable and tonearm combination. 

Retail Price:  $65.00

For answers to your questions about this product, or to place your order, please call us at 573-696-3551, email us, or visit our Online Store.

Osage Audio Products, LLC ∙ P.O. Box 232 ∙ Hallsville, MO  65255
www.osageaudio.com ∙ info@audiointelligent.com
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